Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wild and Crazy Guys!

 Stressful, hurried morning with icing the cake and getting to Tball on time turned into stressful and hurried afternoon with finishing the cake and getting last minute details for the party accomplished turned into a very successful and fun birthday party!  Parker and his favorites buddies doing what they do best.....being C-C-C-CRRRAZY!!!!! (and seriously, making sure five 5 year old boys stay together and keeping tabs on all five is one of the MOST challenging things I have ever done!  Good thing the other Moms were there!)
Langston, Parker and Liam, the original Musketeers

The Fiercesome Fivesome

Liam, Braylon, Langston, Jordan and Parker

Yes, he has an Iron Man mask now too....Oh how he loves masks!


Optimus Prime Cake!
It was a pretty badass day!  And of course, I couldn't have pulled it off without help from my favorite Jennifer and my favorite Zach.....thanks for making me look good guys!

1 comment:

  1. looks like alot of fun! Anna will be here july 4th thru 16th. maybe we can get them together!
