The group has been very confident in my progress and ability this early in. I was allowed to do a claim alone last week and although they were not major errors, I did have three minor errors. It was a big blow to my confidence level. I felt bad that I didn't remember the parts and it was embarrassing because their confidence in me boosted me higher than I think I should have been. If someone has high expectation of me, then I tend to have higher ones of myself. And I really hate failing. But that was last week. This week I decided to go get JJ for lunch and it (naturally) made me terribly sad and nostalgic for my old line of work. I loved that job but as you all didn't work for me any longer. On top of those two things, I have realized that I hate not having a buddy at work! I eat lunch alone each day. I hate that! I miss my crew at JJ. I miss laughing with them about all the dumb shit that customers would do (and by the way, when you order an unwich online it automatically says no lettuce on the ticket bc I did not specify that). I miss being sarcastic and just having bull shit conversations about everything all day. I miss their personalities. Basically most of last week and the beginning of this week have been hard emotionally. So being bummed out last week and all sad about missing my old job and crew this week made me wear my favorite outfit. Give me a boost that I needed.
Today was great. I adore the woman that is training me this week. She is sarcastic, witty, slightly inappropriate and we work well together. I am happy that I have her this week. It was perfect timing.
Looking cute! You'll find your place in the new office, promise x